12 New Mysteries and Thrillers Coming Out in July


It’s a new day. It’s a new month. It’s officially the second half of 2024. We’ve got a packed lineup of bookish goodness for you. Let’s get into it.

Check out new YA books hitting the shelves this week

😱Fight boredom with these exciting horror books.

🖥 Fill your calendar without leaving the house thanks to awesome virtual author events.

😎 These are the perfect summer bookmarks for seasonal vibes.

🔥15 July romances to help you beat the heat (or turn it up, YMMV)

🔎In the mood for a mystery? We’ve got 12 new ones coming out this month.

🏆 Book Riot writers share the best books and comics they read in April – June.

🏳️‍🌈 You can never have too many LGBTQ+ children’s books.

Source : 12 New Mysteries and Thrillers Coming Out in July