Creative Live! Cam Sync 4K Webcam Review: Entry-Level Webcam With a Few Nice Features

  • January 28, 2024

You can get webcams in just about any quality level and price range imaginable, from dirt cheap at less than $20 to well over a few hundred dollars. The Creative Live! Cam Sync 4K Webcam comes in on the lower side of webcams, and the features line up with its $59.99 price tag. The camera delivers decent build quality, a physical privacy cover and a mute toggle, as well as both autofocus and backlight compensation. One of the main (but expected) drawbacks comes from the 4K sensor, as the quality of the webcam is more along the lines of what I’d expect from a 1080p model.

Source : Creative Live! Cam Sync 4K Webcam Review: Entry-Level Webcam With a Few Nice Features