10 Pieces of Edith Wharton Swag To Honor Her Birthday

  • January 24, 2019

January 24 is the birthday of celebrated author Edith Wharton. Wharton was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, though she’s likely more recognizable to the average person as the writer behind the oft-hated high school required read Ethan Frome (for the record, one of the few books in high school I did enjoy reading for class).

Both of wealth and privilege, as well as high social standing, Wharton’s writing often portrays the excess and the power status brought during the Gilded Age in America. If you’re familiar with the phrase “keeping up with the Joneses,” you can thank Wharton—her father’s family line, the Joneses, has been cited as one possible source of the name behind that line.

To celebrate the birth of an American literary classic behind titles like The Age of Innocence (her Pulitzer winner), The House of Mirth, and more, here are 10 fun pieces of Edith Wharton swag.


Keep it simple with a Wharton t-shirt. $27 with a few colors and sizes to choose from.


Edith Wharton print


Hang this classy print in your favorite reading nook featuring Edith Wharton reading with her dog. $12 and up.



Keep your shoulders warm with this The House of Mirth shawl. $39.



Hang this Edith Wharton quote in your office or library. $9 and up.



Make your bullet journal more gilded with this Gilded Age washi tape, featuring Wharton. $4.25.



For the Wharton fan who has it all, there’s this Edith Wharton doll diorama. This one-of-a-kind beauty is $110.



A gorgeous portrait of Edith Wharton. $20.



Wear this quote from Ethan Frome around your wrist. $20.



Begin your day with a cup of joe or tea and a little bit of Edith Wharton wisdom. Wharton quote mug, $13.



Love this quote but aren’t much of a mug user? Wear your love for Wharton and her words as a necklace. $15 and up.


Want more? Dig into this guide for where to begin with Edith Wharton’s books and about how awesome Age of Innocence is. 

Source : 10 Pieces of Edith Wharton Swag To Honor Her Birthday