The 20 Most Instagrammable Bookstore Cats: Critical Linking, January 18, 2019

  • January 18, 2019

Sponsored by Last Woman Standing by Amy Gentry.

There’s something magical about stepping into a bookstore and finding a cat lounging on a well-worn arm chair surrounded by rows and rows of books. After all, cats make the coziest reading companions. I spent the day scouring social media for the most photogenic feline booksellers so you know which indie bookstore to visit next. Here are the twenty most adorable literary cats on Instagram.

Happy Friday. Plan yourself a merry little bookstore road trip. 


It’s called “slow lit,” and despite the book-ish moniker, it has absolutely nothing to do with reading before bed (been there, done that, still can’t sleep, right?). Slow lit is more about being lulled to sleep by the sound of someone else’s voice— namely a podcaster who deliberately delivers content in a monotone voice. Also known as sleep stories, the audio content incorporates relaxing words, music and sound effects to help listeners achieve the seemingly elusive night of sound snoozing.

I’m lucky to be great at sleeping, but for those of you who struggle, have you tried Slow Lit? 


As someone who’s been a student of cities for years—as well as someone who’s spent a thirteen hour day managing a signing line for Chuck Palahniuk—the longer I study, the more I believe that independent bookstores have a lot to teach us. They are a case study in the power of small, incrementally-built retail to anchor our local economies and social communities. And in my years since stepping out from behind the counter, I’ve come to believe something even more radical: if we want our places to be strong, third places like independent bookstores are exactly the kind of investment that our towns should be making. And we should be making them way more often.

Do independent bookstores make a town more vibrant? Indeed. 

Source : The 20 Most Instagrammable Bookstore Cats: Critical Linking, January 18, 2019