The 50 best and funniest tweets of 2022

  • December 11, 2022

The world might be burning, but at least we have tweets. Well, for now.

Believe it or not, we’re at the end of 2022. Yep, it’s December. That’s month no. 12. And there are only 12 months in the year. Time, what a concept!

It’s been a heck of a year for Twitter. Elon Musk took over, and things have promptly gone off the rails. He fired or pushed out most of the staff, brought back bad actors who were suspended, and has generally, uh, shaken things up.


One month of Musk’s Twitter and half of the app’s top advertisers have already left the platform

But even in these strange times, people are still posting good tweets. We here at Mashable collect the best tweets of every week. So now it’s time to collect the best and funniest posts of the year — all 50 of them.

1. Humans are simply not built for email.

2. I can’t explain why this is so funny but it is.

3.So Severance was incredible. And the year….the year has been Bad.

4. Your brain has to be fried in a very specific way to understand this tweet, but I love it.

5. They simply don’t make ’em like they used to.

6. This was me and I hate it. I was so proud to demolish the class in the timed mile. Why? Who was I?

7. This is the funniest image of all time. And also quite scary.

8. Every billionaire in the world is chasing the pure joy this man already acquired. And those billionaires will never reach his nirvana. No amount of money can buy this good fortune.

9. “Something horrifying I expect.”

10. A perfect little joke right here.

11. An amazing Sopranos meme.

12. “Sickening is too good. I know you’ve had terrible carrot cakes in the past but I am different.”

13. “What? No bless yous for Giacomo?” will hold memory space in my brain forever.

14. You better be playful with me, Mr. Pilot.

15. The thing is…I do live in fun hell.

16. Ahhhhh crap, this is my love language too.

17. Fantastic q-zip, brother. Let’s rumble.

18. Ohhhh yeah, this thing needs a little freak. That’s for sure.

19. Time to give it up, old man.

20. I am just some guy and that is a freeing thought.

21. I am almost always scrolling in the bad way.

22. The vibes today, for instance, were soggy.

23. This is beautiful to me.

24. An obligatory dril tweet.

25. The pattern is quite sinister. And it needs to be revealed.

26. As someone Always on Twitter, I am offended by this truth.

27. Excuse me…

28. The plight of the therapist.

29.I’m still thinking about this tornado warning tweet months later.

30. Present day me? Not happy. Future me? Maybe happy. Past me? That dude was happy.

31. We simply must remember what is important in life.

32. Squid guy. Easy.

33. Everybody proffers to be on that merchant shit until it’s time to do that merchant shit.

34. It works so well.

35. Clocks lie.

36. I aspire to be more like her.

37. We all do. We simply all do.

38. Those AirPods do have a way of disappearing.

39. Uhhh, yeah, I’ll pass on all that.

40. This works shockingly well.

41. That’s just the way it goes sometimes.

42. The person with the worst GPA probably has some good things to add.

43. Your honor, I did not know you were going there.

44. Another judge joke. Why not?

45. Symphony Cabernet!

46. Twitter, in a nutshell.

47. The community dream we all share.

48. You could fly away, pal.

49. It’s so embarrassing how many relics I have.

50. And finally, this is a true statement.

Source : The 50 best and funniest tweets of 2022