Can You Pronounce Every Word In This 1920s Poem? Critical Linking, January 7, 2019

  • January 7, 2019

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English is a tricky language to learn. Native speakers may take this for granted, failing to realize how intricate—and inconsistent—many of its pronunciation rules are. For instance, why do heart, beard, and heard all sound different? What about rounded and wounded, or grieve and sieve?
As The Poke points out, a poem written in 1920 perfectly encapsulates the baffling nature of English. In fact, it’s so tricky that even native English speakers with college degrees may struggle to get through it without botching a word. Titled The Chaos, the poem was penned by Dutch writer, traveler, and educator named Gerard Nolst Trenité.

Good luck!

The highly anticipated follow-up to author Angie Thomas‘ blockbuster The Hate U Give centers on 16-year-old Bri, an aspiring female rapper. Read on for an exclusive excerpt of On the Come Up, out Feb. 5

Well hello, lucky day! Also, those illustrations are niiiiiiice.

Given that there’s no shortage of (very exciting) announcements, Vulture decided to pick 15 of the TV fantasy adaptations we confidently feel will be premiering in the near(ish) future, as opposed to a one-and-done press release that hasn’t come to fruition after a few years’ time. Hell, some of them even already have a premiere date. So here’s what you should be keeping your eyes open for when 2019 rolls around — sorted, for your convenience, by how soon we’re likely to see them.

Tivo needs a TBR type feature.

Source : Can You Pronounce Every Word In This 1920s Poem? Critical Linking, January 7, 2019