This Psych Professor Is Debunking All of TikTok’s Biggest Psychology Myths

  • August 23, 2021
For every piece of awesome and informative knowledge that we take away from TikTok, we’re exposed to several “fun facts” that simply aren’t true at all. And the way we consume TikTok videos, scrolling through our feeds and viewing all kinds of content in rapid succession, can make it extra hard to comb through what’s real and what isn’t. We’ve been seeing all kinds of nonsense lately in the “psychology” sphere, with videos claiming to be science that have more to do with opinion or are even straight-up misleading. It’s tough to comb through, but Dr. Inna Kanevsky has joined … Continue reading “This Psych Professor Is Debunking All of TikTok’s Biggest Psychology Myths”

Source : This Psych Professor Is Debunking All of TikTok’s Biggest Psychology Myths