Healthy Snacks to Fight Cravings and Nourish Your Body During Time of the Month

  • August 21, 2021
A wise woman once told us that during that time of the month, she craves the three C’s: carbs, cheese and chocolate. A wise pop star by the name of Selena Gomez once said, “the heart wants what it wants.” These two quotes by these two icons beautifully illustrate the insatiable desire to snack during our periods. Now look—we have nothing against diving headfirst into a sleeve of cookie dough or an uber-melty pizza. In fact, we’d argue that can be an act of self-care. However, there’s also something to be said for nourishing our lady cravings in healthy, creative … Continue reading “Healthy Snacks to Fight Cravings and Nourish Your Body During Time of the Month”

Source : Healthy Snacks to Fight Cravings and Nourish Your Body During Time of the Month