Explorer Cold Brew Co. Makes the Tastiest Cold Brew That Caters EXACTLY to Your Caffeine Needs

  • July 19, 2021
Confession time: up until a couple of weeks ago, I’d never actually tried cold brew coffee. Why? Because the typical process for brewing cold brew can make the resulting beverage contain up to twice as much caffeine as a typical iced coffee. As someone who’s caffeine sensitive and typically has to stick to decaf, that’s a big no-no, so no matter how good Starbucks’ latest cold brew concoction was, I’d just have to dream about it from afar. That all changed a few weeks ago when I stumbled upon Explorer Cold Brew Co. on Instagram. The brand specializes in cold brew concentrate, but what makes them … Continue reading “Explorer Cold Brew Co. Makes the Tastiest Cold Brew That Caters EXACTLY to Your Caffeine Needs”

Source : Explorer Cold Brew Co. Makes the Tastiest Cold Brew That Caters EXACTLY to Your Caffeine Needs