Airbnb cancels all D.C. bookings for Inauguration Week

  • January 13, 2021

Airbnb is canceling all upcoming reservations in the Washington, D.C., area amid fears armed protestors will try to disrupt President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The company cites warnings from local, state and federal officials about the potential for violence on Jan. 20, when Biden will be sworn in as the new U.S. president. In response, Airbnb is canceling all reservations in the D.C. area during inauguration week. Affected customers and hosts will receive full refunds at the company’s expense. “Additionally, we will prevent any new reservations in the Washington, D.C. area from being booked during that time by blocking such reservations,” Airbnb says. Read more…

More about Airbnb, Joe Biden, Inauguration, Tech, and Politics

Source : Airbnb cancels all D.C. bookings for Inauguration Week