Quarantined Wuhan kids find brilliant way to get out of schoolwork

  • March 11, 2020

Kids are amazing. Even in, or perhaps especially in, difficult times. 

As the world frets over the novel coronavirus outbreak that’s killed thousands, children at the epidemic’s epicenter found a creative way to get out of doing schoolwork. 

A report in the London Review of Books detailed what life has been like in Wuhan, the area in China where the new coronavirus first broke out. Among the harrowing details, there was one lighthearted bit of information. 

Schools were shut down as the spread worsened. And the quarantined kids were relieved to be off school … until they learned an app called DingTalk had been adopted so kids could get lessons and homework remotely. But that didn’t stop the children from beating the system.  Read more…

More about Apps, Kids, Coronavirus, Covid 19, and Culture

Source : Quarantined Wuhan kids find brilliant way to get out of schoolwork