There’s a Dinosaur in House Targaryen: Critical Linking, February 27, 2020

  • February 27, 2020

Critical Linking is a daily roundup of the most interesting bookish links from around the web sponsored by Random House.

“The fossilised bones of Targaryendraco wiedenrothi, which lived 130m years ago, were discovered by Kurt Wiedenroth in 1984 in northern Germany. The specimen was originally classified within the Ornithocheirus group of pterosaurs, as Ornithocheirus wiedenrothi, but the toothy pterosaur has now been reassigned to the new genus Targaryendraco. Six other already known pterosaurs were also found to be closely related to the group, which features pterosaurs with wingspans between 10 and 26 feet, and narrow snouts.”

You think Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal feel snubbed?

“Acupuncture company Lhasa OMS conduced a research study that determined the most popular self-improvement books of all time in every state across America. Using Google Trends, they pulled the most popular titles and analyzed the most searched book of the bunch in each state. While some of the findings weren’t too surprising (hello, Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”), others you may have never heard of will inspire you to rush to the nearest bookstore ASAP.”

It would appear a lot of y’all want to know The Secret!

“I think there’s something fascinating about the idea that there is another place, a different place, a magical place and that it can be accessed from the everyday world if only you find the right rabbit hole or structurally unsound wardrobe and then getting there can be as simple as opening a door. I love a fantasy that brushes up against the real world, magic that’s hidden from the everyday but close enough to be found if you know where to look.”

How lucky are we to have books that bring us to these magical places?

Source : There’s a Dinosaur in House Targaryen: Critical Linking, February 27, 2020