The greatest gift machine learning ever gave us is this archive of Mark Zuckerberg haircuts

  • February 18, 2020

Even the most commonplace of objects, sufficiently decontextualized, has the power to take on new meaning.

We see this, perhaps most famously, with Marcel Duchamp’s “Fountain.” The so-called readymade sculpture was in fact simply a signed urinal. However, in part by separating it from the whole, Duchamp challenged his audience to see the porcelain as art. This, naturally, brings us to the recently created archive of Mark Zuckerberg’s haircuts. 

Created by Sam Lavigne, an artist whose work focuses on automation and surveillance (among other things), the archive consists of 387 machine-learning generated images of Mark Zuckerberg’s hair. To isolate just the CEO’s mop, Lavigne used an “open source hair detector” available on GitHub. Read more…

More about Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Machine Learning, Tech, and Social Media Companies

Source : The greatest gift machine learning ever gave us is this archive of Mark Zuckerberg haircuts