Stay-at-home parents often feel liberated when their kids start school. If you’d like to use some of that extra time to earn some extra cash, you’re in luck! We found 10 job options you can explore.
After your kids go to school, you suddenly have blocks of time off from parenting. It’s at this time that many parents start to look for work.
A full-time job means you also have to coordinate after-school care for your children. But a side job (or several) usually allows you more flexibility to handle your kids’ schedule.
Let’s take a look at some common and accessible options.
School Jobs
If you can get in with a local school, you’re all set! The hours will most likely match your child’s class time—especially if you work at her school.
If you’re not qualified to teach, you might be able to work as a teacher’s aide or administrative assistant. You could also drive a bus, or join the cafeteria or cleaning staff.
Some schools only require a bachelor’s degree to be a substitute teacher. This can lead to steady work in schools throughout the district. And you can turn down days that don’t work for you.
If you work at your kids’ school, you might also look into running an after-school program they can attend with you.
Freelance Work
The best thing about being a freelancer is you’re the boss. You can set your hours, decide how much work to accept, and go on vacation whenever you want. You can even take off the whole summer while the kids are out of school if you want.
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Source : 10 Side Jobs You Can Do While Your Kids Are in School