Gradle 5.5.1 brings simple plugin generation and more features

  • July 11, 2019

Gradle 5.5.1 is here. Hot on the heels of Gradle 5.5, released on June 28th 2019, this release fixes a handful of bugs and introduces some new features.

Let’s take a closer look.



Create plugins via init

With this release, the init task can be used to generate a simple plugin project. These can be used as a base upon which to develop and test a Gradle plugin. init allows Java, Groovy or Kotlin as the plugin source.

Furthermore, init now supports JUnit Jupiter in addition to JUnit 4 for the testing of Java applications and libraries.

Set organization-wide properties

As of 5.5.1, Gradle looks for a file in the build’s distribution. It has the lowest priority of any such files, and properties defined elsewhere will override anything defined here. But using a file, it is now possible to define properties for the whole organization or tweak the default Gradle daemon memory parameters with org.gradle.jvmargs.

Transforming dependency artifacts on resolution

The frustration of unavailable obfuscated JAR files is now a thing of the past. With the new artifact transform feature, it is possible to specify that whenever an obfuscated JAR is requested but is not available, Gradle will perform an artifact transform that takes the un-obfuscated JAR and obfuscates it, then makes it available to the build.

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And a few more improvements

5.5.1 also brings several improvements for plugin authors, such as abstract service injection methods, ObjectFactory methods for creating domain object collections and abstract model properties.

Gradle’s user manual has been expanded to include chapters on building and testing C++ projects, Eclipse project name deduplication in Buildship has been improved, and Gradle Kotlin DSL complier has been upgraded to Kotlin 1.3.31.

Three known issues were fixed in this release, and no known bugs have been introduced.

You can read the full Gradle 5.5.1 release notes here.




The post Gradle 5.5.1 brings simple plugin generation and more features appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter